Health & Safety Consulting
​Tel: +44 07723 383693
"Look, listen, learn"

Our project deliverables include:
Coaching and mentoring interventions
Temporary works review and audit
LOLER operations review, audit and set up prior to lifting
Documentation review and preparation, from project-wide plans through to task risk assessments and method statements
Coordination of works over and around water
Authorisation processes for Permit to Work systems
Developing and implementing road safety management plans
Championing the development of project teams on hazard observation techniques
Metal health one-on-one discussions
Back Office
Technical support and training programmes
Project delivery
Rescue and recovery
Environmental risk impact assessment
Design and implement traffic management plans for construction sites including logistic movement engagement
Stakeholder management - including engagement with authorities, auditors and officials
Site procedure review, recommendations and implementation
Project compliance assessment
Management of H&S procedure during concept design stage
Production of Terms of Reference for compliance audits